The best language for those who have nothing to do
CAnalyzer | The main class that implements syntactic analysis of the program by array of tokens. During its execution other components of the interpreter are called |
CFunction | A class to represent a function in semantic |
CFunctionHasher | A helper class for hashing functions in standard std::unordered_map |
CIdentifier | A class to represent a variable |
Clarge | A class for AALanguage variables of type large that implement long arithmetic |
CLexicalAnalyzer | A class that allows you to break program source code into indivisible grammar tokens |
CLibParser | A helper class for getting information about built-in libraries |
CPoliz | A helper class for generating and executing the internal representation of the program |
CSemantic | A helper class that performs basic actions on the semantics of the language |
CTableIdentifiers | Identifier table used for semantic analysis |
CToken | A stuct used to store information about a language token |
CTrie | String-trie class for storing reserved words |
CTrieNode | Trie-node class |
CType | A class to represent an expression type |