The best language for those who have nothing to do
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAnalyzerThe main class that implements syntactic analysis of the program by array of tokens. During its execution other components of the interpreter are called
 CFunctionA class to represent a function in semantic
 CFunctionHasherA helper class for hashing functions in standard std::unordered_map
 CIdentifierA class to represent a variable
 ClargeA class for AALanguage variables of type large that implement long arithmetic
 CLexicalAnalyzerA class that allows you to break program source code into indivisible grammar tokens
 CLibParserA helper class for getting information about built-in libraries
 CPolizA helper class for generating and executing the internal representation of the program
 CSemanticA helper class that performs basic actions on the semantics of the language
 CTableIdentifiersIdentifier table used for semantic analysis
 CTokenA stuct used to store information about a language token
 CTrieString-trie class for storing reserved words
 CTrieNodeTrie-node class
 CTypeA class to represent an expression type